We thank all the young researchers who brilliantly presented their posters and flash communications and big bravo to our awardees:
Prix Jeune Chercheur France Parkinson for Best Oral Communication: Francesca FILIPPINI
Second price: Zoé HANSS
Prix Jeune Chercheur Cells for Best Poster: Antoine MARCHAND
Prix Jeune Chercheur Vaincre Alzheimer for Best Poster: Racha AL TANNIR
See the pictures here !
The Foundation Vaincre Alzheimer, the association France Parkinson and the journal Cells, partners of HOPE 2020, support young researchers participation through several actions:
- Prix Jeune Chercheur Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer, awarded to the best poster
- Prix Jeune Chercheur Cells, awarded to the best poster
- Prix Jeune Chercheur Association France Parkinson, awarded to the best oral communication
- Travel grants for students and post-docs presenting a poster or oral communication during HOPE 2020
Prix Jeune Chercheur Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer
The best poster will be rewarded by Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer with a travel grant for a PhD student or post-doc to attend a congress in 2021, with a maximum amount of 1000€.
Posters will be evaluated by a jury from HOPE with the participation of scientific director Mrs. Maï Panchal (Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer). Poster evaluation will be based on different criteria, such as research relevance to understand common mechanisms between Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and related diseases, the clear description of the project and of its results.
The grant will fund active participation to a congress with an abstract being submitted. Oral communication submission are strongly encouraged.
- The awardee shall be first author of his/her poster and/or present the oral communication.
- The abstract of the awardee shall be selected by the scientific committee of the congress.
- The request shall be submitted to Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer at least 2 months before the congress.
- Invoices and other documents shall be sent to Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer within one month after the congress, along with a pdf version of the communication, a short summary of the visit of the congress, the payment form duly filled and a picture of the awardee.
- Travel grants will be solely wired to Établissements publics à caractère scientifique et technologique (EPST) and to Etablissements publics à caractère scientifique culturel et professionnel (EPSCP). Invoicing is a preliminary condition to funding transfer.
Prix Jeune Chercheur Cells
Another best poster will be rewarded by the journal Cells with a travel grant with a maximum amount of 500€ and a feature slot in Cells in 2020 (a paper free of charge, after peer review).
Posters will be evaluated by a jury from HOPE. Poster evaluation will be based on different criteria, such as research relevance, the clear description of the project and of its results.
Prix Jeune Chercheur Association France Parkinson
The best oral communication will be rewarded by Association France Parkinson with a travel grant for a PhD student or post-doc to attend a congress in 2021, with a maximum amount of 1000€.
The grant will fund active participation to a congress with an abstract being submitted. Oral communication submission are strongly encouraged.
- The awardee shall be first author of his/her poster and/or present the oral communication.
- The abstract of the awardee shall be selected by the scientific committee of the congress.
- Invoices and other documents shall be sent to Association France Parkinson within one month after the congress, along with a pdf version of the communication, a short summary of the visit of the congress, the payment form duly filled and a picture of the awardee.
- Young researchers supported by France Parkinson for their participation to HOPE 2020 are invited to attend the World Parkinson Day on April 4, 2020 at Cité des Sciences in Paris. They will present a simplified poster of their research and will be available to discuss with visitors throughout the day. The association will pay for poster printing and transportation fees.
Travel grants
Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer will examine travel grant requests for HOPE 2020 through its usual channel, don't hesitate to submit your request: https://www.vaincrealzheimer.org/espace-chercheur-bourse-voyage/
Association France Parkinson will attribute 5 travel grants for HOPE 2020 for a total amount of 1000€, to cover part of transportation, housing and registration fees for students and post-docs presenting a communication. To benefit from this grants, please contact Marie Fuzzati (M.fuzzati _at_ franceparkinson.fr).
Young researchers supported by France Parkinson for their participation to HOPE 2020 are invited to attend the World Parkinson Day on April 4, 2020 at Cité des Sciences in Paris. They will present a simplified poster of their research and will be available to discuss with visitors throughout the day. The association will pay for poster printing and transportation fees.